West Dorset MP Chris Loder has welcomed the news that Dorset will benefit from over £2.9 million from the Government to fix potholes in roads across Dorset. The news came in the Chancellor’s budget announcement on the 15th March. The local MP hailed the news, saying;
“This is a generous boost to Dorset’s road infrastructure. I have been campaigning since my election for a greater focus on our road networks and the funding to ensure our trunk roads like the A35 and A37 are as safe and efficient as possible”
The Department for Transport (DfT) is committed to allocating this funding to local highways authorities so they can most effectively spend this funding on maintaining and improving their respective network, based upon their local knowledge, circumstances and priorities.
Mr Loder continued: "If you know of any potholes in your area that need reporting, please follow www.chrisloder.co.uk/potholes to report it.”